Why am I making this blog?

Unfortunately, my grandfather passed away about a year and a half ago to pancreatic cancer. His death hit me very hard mentally and emotionally. It was right before my senior year began, so I began school in a negative mental state because I missed him. The next year on his birthday I got a tattoo in honor of him that has his birthday and the day he passed away in the clock to symbolize his time on Earth had stopped. However, this is my way of coping the death of a loved one. This blog is primarily about how World War 1 veterans were able to cope with the death of their partners and friends during the war. My grandmother's brother was a soldier in Vietnam and she always told me stories about how he was never the same after his experiences. Post traumatic stress disorder is a very serious disorder that many soldiers inherit from war. Even though many countries paint being a soldier as a bold and honorable way of expressing patriotism, is fighting in a war and winning the battles worth it? I mentioned in an earlier post that I loved competition, however war is the only competition that forces me to hold my tongue. I personally feel that anyone who influences young men to be soldiers have no idea what happens on the battlefield. My brother-in-law is a veteran and is now collecting disability because of an accident when he was deployed. With so many people dying at war, and the rest suffering from PTSD, it is clear that war may not be worth all the risks.
